Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Digi Pak Updates

After receiving feedback on our first digi pak draft we had to make a few amendments before creating and completing the final version. One of these changes was adding the institution information to the back cover. The institutional information is crucial and must be included on every digi pak which is something we discovered through our digi pak research.

After looking at several official digipaks including these:

We began to see similarities in their institutional and extra information. For example, both feature barcodes so this was something we added to our digi pak. Secondly, both feature the artists recording company and who distributed their album which is again something that we made sure about in our digi pak.

The insitutional information we added went as followed:

  • Polar Republic Records Ltd. 
  • Distributed by Sony Music Entertainment 
  • All Rights Reserved 189 Soho Avenue, London, W1D 3A

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